Source code for optlang.interface

# Copyright 2013 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Abstract solver interface definitions (:class:`Model`, :class:`Variable`,
:class:`Constraint`, :class:`Objective`) intended to be subclassed and
extended for individual solvers.

This module defines the API of optlang objects and indicates which methods need to be implemented in
subclassed solver interfaces.
The classes in this module can be used to construct and modify problems, but no optimizations can be done.
import collections
import inspect
import logging
import sys
import uuid
import warnings
import sympy

import six

import optlang
from optlang.exceptions import IndicatorConstraintsNotSupported

from optlang.util import parse_expr, expr_to_json, is_numeric, SolverTolerances
from optlang import symbolics

from .container import Container

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OPTIMAL = 'optimal'
UNDEFINED = 'undefined'
FEASIBLE = 'feasible'
INFEASIBLE = 'infeasible'
NOFEASIBLE = 'nofeasible'
UNBOUNDED = 'unbounded'
INFEASIBLE_OR_UNBOUNDED = 'infeasible_or_unbounded'
LOADED = 'loaded'
CUTOFF = 'cutoff'
ITERATION_LIMIT = 'iteration_limit'
MEMORY_LIMIT = 'memory_limit'
NODE_LIMIT = 'node_limit'
TIME_LIMIT = 'time_limit'
SOLUTION_LIMIT = 'solution_limit'
INTERRUPTED = 'interrupted'
NUMERIC = 'numeric'
SUBOPTIMAL = 'suboptimal'
INPROGRESS = 'in_progress'
ABORTED = 'aborted'
SPECIAL = 'check_original_solver_status'

statuses = {
    OPTIMAL: "An optimal solution as been found.",
    INFEASIBLE: "The problem has no feasible solutions.",
    UNBOUNDED: "The objective can be optimized infinitely.",
    SPECIAL: "The status returned by the solver could not be interpreted. Please refer to the solver's documentation to find the status.",
    UNDEFINED: "The solver determined that the problem is ill-formed. "
    # TODO Add the rest

# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs]class Variable(symbolics.Symbol): """Optimization variables. Variable objects are used to represents each variable of the optimization problem. When the optimization is performed, the combination of variable values that optimizes the objective function, while not violating any constraints will be identified. The type of a variable ('continuous', 'integer' or 'binary') can be set using the type keyword of the constructor or it can be changed after initialization by :code:`var.type = 'binary'`. The variable class subclasses the :code:`sympy.Symbol` class, which means that symbolic expressions of variables can be constructed by using regular python syntax, e.g. :code:`my_expression = 2 * var1 + 3 * var2 ** 2`. Expressions like this are used when constructing Constraint and Objective objects. Once a problem has been optimized, the primal and dual values of a variable can be accessed from the primal and dual attributes, respectively. Attributes ---------- name: str The variable's name. lb: float or None, optional The lower bound, if None then -inf. ub: float or None, optional The upper bound, if None then inf. type: str, optional The variable type, 'continuous' or 'integer' or 'binary'. problem: Model or None, optional A reference to the optimization model the variable belongs to. Examples -------- >>> Variable('x', lb=-10, ub=10) '-10 <= x <= 10' """ @staticmethod def __test_valid_lower_bound(type, value, name): if not (value is None or is_numeric(value)): raise TypeError("Variable bounds must be numeric or None.") if value is not None: if type == 'integer' and value % 1 != 0.: raise ValueError( 'The provided lower bound %g cannot be assigned to integer variable %s (%g mod 1 != 0).' % ( value, name, value)) if type == 'binary' and (value is None or value not in (0, 1)): raise ValueError( 'The provided lower bound %s cannot be assigned to binary variable %s.' % (value, name)) @staticmethod def __test_valid_upper_bound(type, value, name): if not (value is None or is_numeric(value)): raise TypeError("Variable bounds must be numeric or None.") if value is not None: if type == 'integer' and value % 1 != 0.: raise ValueError( 'The provided upper bound %s cannot be assigned to integer variable %s (%s mod 1 != 0).' % ( value, name, value)) if type == 'binary' and (value is None or value not in (0, 1)): raise ValueError( 'The provided upper bound %s cannot be assigned to binary variable %s.' % (value, name)) @staticmethod def __validate_variable_name(name): if len(name) < 1: raise ValueError('Variable name must not be empty string') for char in name: if char.isspace(): raise ValueError( 'Variable names cannot contain whitespace characters. "%s" contains whitespace character "%s".' % ( name, char) )
[docs] @classmethod def clone(cls, variable, **kwargs): """ Make a copy of another variable. The variable being copied can be of the same type or belong to a different solver interface. Example ---------- >>> var_copy = Variable.clone(old_var) """ return cls(,, ub=variable.ub, type=variable.type, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, name, lb=None, ub=None, type="continuous", problem=None, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure that name is str and not unicode - some solvers only support string type in Python 2. if six.PY2: name = str(name) self.__validate_variable_name(name) self._name = name symbolics.Symbol.__init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs) self._lb = lb self._ub = ub if self._lb is None and type == 'binary': self._lb = 0. if self._ub is None and type == 'binary': self._ub = 1. self.__test_valid_lower_bound(type, self._lb, name) self.__test_valid_upper_bound(type, self._ub, name) self.problem = None self.type = type self.problem = problem @property def name(self): """Name of variable.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self.__validate_variable_name(value) old_name = getattr(self, 'name', None) self._name = value if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None and value != old_name: self.problem.variables.update_key(old_name) self.problem._variables_to_constraints_mapping[value] = self.problem._variables_to_constraints_mapping[old_name] del self.problem._variables_to_constraints_mapping[old_name] @property def lb(self): """Lower bound of variable.""" return self._lb @lb.setter def lb(self, value): if hasattr(self, 'ub') and self.ub is not None and value is not None and value > self.ub: raise ValueError( 'The provided lower bound %g is larger than the upper bound %g of variable %s.' % ( value, self.ub, self)) self.__test_valid_lower_bound(self.type, value, self._lb = value if self.problem is not None: self.problem._pending_modifications.var_lb.append((self, value)) @property def ub(self): """Upper bound of variable.""" return self._ub @ub.setter def ub(self, value): if hasattr(self, 'lb') and is not None and value is not None and value < raise ValueError( 'The provided upper bound %g is smaller than the lower bound %g of variable %s.' % ( value,, self)) self.__test_valid_upper_bound(self.type, value, self._ub = value if self.problem is not None: self.problem._pending_modifications.var_ub.append((self, value))
[docs] def set_bounds(self, lb, ub): """ Change the lower and upper bounds of a variable. """ if lb is not None and ub is not None and lb > ub: raise ValueError( "The provided lower bound {} is larger than the provided upper bound {}".format(lb, ub) ) self._lb = lb self._ub = ub if self.problem is not None: self.problem._pending_modifications.var_lb.append((self, lb)) self.problem._pending_modifications.var_ub.append((self, ub))
@property def type(self): """Variable type ('either continuous, integer, or binary'.)""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): if value == 'continuous': self._type = value elif value == 'integer': self._type = value try: = round( except TypeError: pass try: self.ub = round(self.ub) except TypeError: pass elif value == 'binary': self._type = value self._lb = 0 self._ub = 1 else: raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid variable type. Choose between 'continuous, 'integer', or 'binary'." % value) @property def primal(self): """The primal of variable (None if no solution exists).""" if self.problem: return self._get_primal() else: return None def _get_primal(self): return None @property def dual(self): """The dual of variable (None if no solution exists).""" return None def __str__(self): """Print a string representation of variable. Examples -------- >>> Variable('x', lb=-10, ub=10) '-10 <= x <= 10' """ if is not None: lb_str = str( + " <= " else: lb_str = "" if self.ub is not None: ub_str = " <= " + str(self.ub) else: ub_str = "" return ''.join((lb_str, super(Variable, self).__str__(), ub_str)) def __repr__(self): """Does exactly the same as __str__ for now.""" return self.__str__() def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state def __reduce__(self): return (type(self), (,, self.ub, self.type, self.problem))
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns a json-compatible object from the Variable that can be saved using the json module. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json", "w") as outfile: >>> json.dump(var.to_json(), outfile) """ json_obj = { "name":, "lb":, "ub": self.ub, "type": self.type } return json_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj): """ Constructs a Variable from the provided json-object. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json") as infile: >>> var = Variable.from_json(json.load(infile)) """ return cls(json_obj["name"], lb=json_obj["lb"], ub=json_obj["ub"], type=json_obj["type"])
# def _round_primal_to_bounds(self, primal, tolerance=1e-5): # """Rounds primal value to lie within variables bounds. # # Raises if exceeding threshold. # # Parameters # ---------- # primal : float # The primal value to round. # tolerance : float (optional) # The tolerance threshold (default: 1e-5). # """ # if ( is None or primal >= and (self.ub is None or primal <= self.ub): # return primal # else: # if (primal <= and (( - primal) <= tolerance): # return # elif (primal >= self.ub) and ((self.ub - primal) >= -tolerance): # return self.ub # else: # raise AssertionError( # 'The primal value %s returned by the solver is out of bounds for variable %s (lb=%s, ub=%s)' % ( # primal,,, self.ub)) # noinspection PyPep8Naming class OptimizationExpression(object): """Abstract base class for Objective and Constraint.""" @staticmethod def _validate_optimization_expression_name(name): if name is None: return if len(name) < 1: raise ValueError('Name must not be empty string') for char in name: if char.isspace(): raise ValueError( 'Names cannot contain whitespace characters. "%s" contains whitespace character "%s".' % ( name, char) ) @classmethod def _substitute_variables(cls, expression, model=None, **kwargs): """Substitutes variables in (optimization)expression (constraint/objective) with variables of the appropriate interface type. Attributes ---------- expression: Constraint, Objective An optimization expression. model: Model or None, optional A reference to an optimization model that should be searched for appropriate variables first. """ interface = sys.modules[cls.__module__] variable_substitutions = dict() for variable in expression.variables: if model is not None and in model.variables: # print(, id(variable.problem)) variable_substitutions[variable] = model.variables[] else: variable_substitutions[variable] = interface.Variable.clone(variable) adjusted_expression = expression.expression.xreplace(variable_substitutions) return adjusted_expression def __init__(self, expression, name=None, problem=None, sloppy=False, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure that name is str and not unicode - some solvers only support string type in Python 2. if six.PY2 and name is not None: name = str(name) self._validate_optimization_expression_name(name) super(OptimizationExpression, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._problem = problem if sloppy: self._expression = expression else: self._expression = self._canonicalize(expression) if name is None: self._name = str(uuid.uuid1()) else: self._name = name @property def name(self): """The name of the object""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._validate_optimization_expression_name(value) self._name = value @property def problem(self): """A reference to the model that the object belongs to (or None)""" return getattr(self, '_problem', None) @problem.setter def problem(self, value): self._problem = value def _get_expression(self): return self._expression @property def expression(self): """The mathematical expression defining the objective/constraint.""" return self._get_expression() @property def variables(self): """Variables in constraint/objective's expression.""" return self.expression.atoms(Variable) def _canonicalize(self, expression): if isinstance(expression, float): return symbolics.Real(expression) elif isinstance(expression, int): return symbolics.Integer(expression) else: if optlang._USING_SYMENGINE: expression = expression.expand() # This is a good way to canonicalize, but is quite slow for sympy return expression @property def is_Linear(self): """Returns True if expression is linear (a polynomial with degree 1 or 0) (read-only).""" coeff_dict = self.expression.as_coefficients_dict() for key in coeff_dict.keys(): if len(key.free_symbols) < 2 and (key.is_Add or key.is_Mul or key.is_Atom): pass else: return False if key.is_Pow and key.args[1] != 1: return False else: return True @property def is_Quadratic(self): """Returns True if the expression is a polynomial with degree exactly 2 (read-only).""" if self.expression.is_Atom: return False if all((len(key.free_symbols) < 2 and (key.is_Add or key.is_Mul or key.is_Atom) for key in self.expression.as_coefficients_dict().keys())): return False if self.expression.is_Add: terms = self.expression.args is_quad = False for term in terms: if len(term.free_symbols) > 2: return False if term.is_Pow: if not term.args[1].is_Number or term.args[1] > 2: return False else: is_quad = True elif term.is_Mul: if len(term.free_symbols) == 2: is_quad = True if term.args[1].is_Pow: if not term.args[1].args[1].is_Number or term.args[1].args[1] > 2: return False else: is_quad = True return is_quad else: if isinstance(self.expression, sympy.Basic): sympy_expression = self.expression else: sympy_expression = sympy.sympify(self.expression) # TODO: Find a way to do this with symengine (Poly is not part of symengine, 23 March 2017) poly = sympy_expression.as_poly(*sympy_expression.atoms(sympy.Symbol)) if poly is None: return False else: return poly.is_quadratic def __iadd__(self, other): self._expression += other return self def __isub__(self, other): self._expression -= other return self def __imul__(self, other): self._expression *= other return self def __idiv__(self, other): self._expression /= other return self def __itruediv__(self, other): self._expression /= other return self def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients): """Set coefficients of linear terms in constraint or objective. Existing coefficients for linear or non-linear terms will not be modified. Note: This method interacts with the low-level solver backend and can only be used on objects that are associated with a Model. The method is not part of optlangs basic interface and should be used mainly where speed is important. Parameters ---------- coefficients : dict A dictionary like {variable1: coefficient1, variable2: coefficient2, ...} Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError("Child classes should implement this.") def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables): """Get coefficients of linear terms in constraint or objective. Note: This method interacts with the low-level solver backend and can only be used on objects that are associated with a Model. The method is not part of optlangs basic interface and should be used mainly where speed is important. Parameters ---------- variables : iterable An iterable of Variable objects Returns ------- Coefficients : dict {var1: coefficient, var2: coefficient ...} """ raise NotImplementedError("Child classes should implement this.")
[docs]class Constraint(OptimizationExpression): """ Constraint objects represent the mathematical (in-)equalities that constrain an optimization problem. A constraint is formulated by a symbolic expression of variables and a lower and/or upper bound. Equality constraints can be formulated by setting the upper and lower bounds to the same value. Some solvers support indicator variables. This lets a binary variable act as a switch that decides whether the constraint should be active (cannot be violated) or inactive (can be violated). The constraint expression can be an arbitrary combination of variables, however the individual solvers have limits to the forms of constraints they allow. Most solvers only allow linear constraints, meaning that the expression should be of the form :code:`a * var1 + b * var2 + c * var3 ...` Attributes ---------- expression: sympy The mathematical expression defining the constraint. name: str, optional The constraint's name. lb: float or None, optional The lower bound, if None then -inf. ub: float or None, optional The upper bound, if None then inf. indicator_variable: Variable The indicator variable (needs to be binary). active_when: 0 or 1 (default 0) When the constraint should problem: Model or None, optional A reference to the optimization model the variable belongs to. Examples ---------- >>> expr = 2.4 * var1 - 3.8 * var2 >>> c1 = Constraint(expr, lb=0, ub=10) >>> indicator_var = Variable("var3", type="binary") # Only possible with some solvers >>> c2 = Constraint(var2, lb=0, ub=0, indicator_variable=indicator_var, active_when=1) # When the indicator is 1, var2 is constrained to be 0 """ _INDICATOR_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT = True def _check_valid_lower_bound(self, value): if not (value is None or is_numeric(value)): raise TypeError("Constraint bounds must be numeric or None, not {}".format(type(value))) if value is not None and getattr(self, "ub", None) is not None and value > self.ub: raise ValueError("Cannot set a lower bound that is greater than the upper bound.") def _check_valid_upper_bound(self, value): if not (value is None or is_numeric(value)): raise TypeError("Constraint bounds must be numeric or None, not {}".format(type(value))) if value is not None and getattr(self, "lb", None) is not None and value < raise ValueError("Cannot set an upper bound that is less than the lower bound.") @classmethod def __check_valid_indicator_variable(cls, variable): if variable is not None and not cls._INDICATOR_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT: raise IndicatorConstraintsNotSupported( 'Solver interface %s does not support indicator constraints' % cls.__module__) if variable is not None and variable.type != 'binary': raise ValueError('Provided indicator variable %s is not binary.' % variable) @staticmethod def __check_valid_active_when(active_when): if active_when != 0 and active_when != 1: raise ValueError('Provided active_when argument %s needs to be either 1 or 0' % active_when)
[docs] @classmethod def clone(cls, constraint, model=None, **kwargs): """ Make a copy of another constraint. The constraint being copied can be of the same type or belong to a different solver interface. Parameters ---------- constraint: interface.Constraint (or subclass) The constraint to copy model: Model or None The variables of the new constraint will be taken from this model. If None, new variables will be constructed. Example ---------- >>> const_copy = Constraint.clone(old_constraint) """ return cls(cls._substitute_variables(constraint, model=model),, ub=constraint.ub, indicator_variable=constraint.indicator_variable, active_when=constraint.active_when,, sloppy=True, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, expression, lb=None, ub=None, indicator_variable=None, active_when=1, *args, **kwargs): self._problem = None = lb self.ub = ub super(Constraint, self).__init__(expression, *args, **kwargs) self.__check_valid_indicator_variable(indicator_variable) self.__check_valid_active_when(active_when) self._indicator_variable = indicator_variable self._active_when = active_when @property def lb(self): """Lower bound of constraint.""" return self._lb @lb.setter def lb(self, value): self._check_valid_lower_bound(value) self._lb = value @property def ub(self): """Upper bound of constraint.""" return self._ub @ub.setter def ub(self, value): self._check_valid_upper_bound(value) self._ub = value @property def indicator_variable(self): """The indicator variable of constraint (if available).""" return self._indicator_variable # @indicator_variable.setter # def indicator_variable(self, value): # self.__check_valid_indicator_variable(value) # self._indicator_variable = value @property def active_when(self): """Activity relation of constraint to indicator variable (if supported).""" return self._active_when def __str__(self): if is not None: lhs = str( + ' <= ' else: lhs = '' if self.ub is not None: rhs = ' <= ' + str(self.ub) else: rhs = '' if self.indicator_variable is not None: lhs = + ' = ' + str(self.active_when) + ' -> ' + lhs return str( + ": " + lhs + self.expression.__str__() + rhs def _canonicalize(self, expression): expression = super(Constraint, self)._canonicalize(expression) if expression.is_Atom or expression.is_Mul: return expression lonely_coeffs = [arg for arg in expression.args if arg.is_Number] if not lonely_coeffs: return expression assert len(lonely_coeffs) == 1 coeff = lonely_coeffs[0] expression = expression - coeff if is not None and self.ub is not None: oldub = self.ub self.ub = None = - float(coeff) self.ub = oldub - float(coeff) elif is not None: = - float(coeff) elif self.ub is not None: self.ub = self.ub - float(coeff) else: raise ValueError( "%s cannot be shaped into canonical form if neither lower or upper constraint bounds are set." % expression ) return expression @property def primal(self): """Primal of constraint (None if no solution exists).""" return None @property def dual(self): """Dual of constraint (None if no solution exists).""" return None def _round_primal_to_bounds(self, primal, tolerance=1e-5): if ( is None or primal >= and (self.ub is None or primal <= self.ub): return primal else: if (primal <= and (( - primal) <= tolerance): return elif (primal >= self.ub) and ((self.ub - primal) >= -tolerance): return self.ub else: raise AssertionError( 'The primal value %s returned by the solver is out of bounds for variable %s (lb=%s, ub=%s)' % ( primal,,, self.ub))
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns a json-compatible object from the constraint that can be saved using the json module. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json", "w") as outfile: >>> json.dump(constraint.to_json(), outfile) """ if self.indicator_variable is None: indicator = None else: indicator = json_obj = { "name":, "expression": expr_to_json(self.expression), "lb":, "ub": self.ub, "indicator_variable": indicator, "active_when": self.active_when } return json_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj, variables=None): """ Constructs a Variable from the provided json-object. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json") as infile: >>> constraint = Constraint.from_json(json.load(infile)) """ if variables is None: variables = {} expression = parse_expr(json_obj["expression"], variables) if json_obj["indicator_variable"] is None: indicator = None else: indicator = variables[json_obj["indicator_variable"]] return cls( expression, name=json_obj["name"], lb=json_obj["lb"], ub=json_obj["ub"], indicator_variable=indicator, active_when=json_obj["active_when"] )
[docs]class Objective(OptimizationExpression): """ Objective objects are used to represent the objective function of an optimization problem. An objective consists of a symbolic expression of variables in the problem and a direction. The direction can be either 'min' or 'max' and specifies whether the problem is a minimization or a maximization problem. After a problem has been optimized, the optimal objective value can be accessed from the 'value' attribute of the model's objective, i.e. :code:`obj_val = model.objective.value`. Attributes ---------- expression: sympy The mathematical expression defining the objective. name: str, optional The name of the constraint. direction: 'max' or 'min' The optimization direction. value: float, read-only The current objective value. problem: solver The low-level solver object. """
[docs] @classmethod def clone(cls, objective, model=None, **kwargs): """ Make a copy of an objective. The objective being copied can be of the same type or belong to a different solver interface. Example ---------- >>> new_objective = Objective.clone(old_objective) """ return cls(cls._substitute_variables(objective, model=model),, direction=objective.direction, sloppy=True, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, expression, value=None, direction='max', *args, **kwargs): self._value = value self._direction = direction super(Objective, self).__init__(expression, *args, **kwargs) @property def value(self): """The objective value.""" return self._value def __str__(self): return {'max': 'Maximize', 'min': 'Minimize'}[self.direction] + '\n' + str(self.expression) # return ' '.join((self.direction, str(self.expression))) def __eq__(self, other): """Tests *mathematical* equality for two Objectives. Solver specific type does NOT have to match. Expression and direction must be the same. Name does not have to match""" if isinstance(other, Objective): return self.expression == other.expression and self.direction == other.direction else: return False # def _canonicalize(self, expression): """For example, changes x + y to 1.*x + 1.*y""" expression = super(Objective, self)._canonicalize(expression) if isinstance(expression, sympy.Basic): expression *= 1. else: # pragma: no cover # symengine expression = (1. * expression).expand() return expression @property def direction(self): """The direction of optimization. Either 'min' or 'max'.""" return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, value): if value not in ['max', 'min']: raise ValueError("Provided optimization direction %s is neither 'min' or 'max'." % value) self._direction = value
[docs] def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients): """Set linear coefficients in objective. coefficients : dict A dictionary of the form {variable1: coefficient1, variable2: coefficient2, ...} """ raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement this.")
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns a json-compatible object from the objective that can be saved using the json module. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json", "w") as outfile: >>> json.dump(obj.to_json(), outfile) """ json_obj = { "name":, "expression": expr_to_json(self.expression), "direction": self.direction } return json_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj, variables=None): """ Constructs an Objective from the provided json-object. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json") as infile: >>> obj = Objective.from_json(json.load(infile)) """ if variables is None: variables = {} expression = parse_expr(json_obj["expression"], variables) return cls( expression, direction=json_obj["direction"], name=json_obj["name"] )
[docs]class Configuration(object): """ Optimization solver configuration. This object allows the user to change certain parameters and settings in the solver. It is meant to allow easy access to a few common and important parameters. For information on changing other solver parameters, please consult the documentation from the solver provider. Some changeable parameters are listed below. Note that some solvers might not implement all of these and might also implement additional parameters. Attributes ---------- verbosity: int from 0 to 3 Changes the level of output. timeout: int or None The time limit in second the solver will use to optimize the problem. presolve: Boolean or 'auto' Tells the solver whether to use (solver-specific) pre-processing to simplify the problem. This can decrease solution time, but also introduces overhead. If set to 'auto' the solver will first try to solve without pre-processing, and only turn in on in case no optimal solution can be found. lp_method: str Select which algorithm the LP solver uses, e.g. simplex, barrier, etc. """
[docs] @classmethod def clone(cls, config, problem=None, **kwargs): properties = (k for k, v in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isdatadescriptor) if not k.startswith('__')) parameters = {property: getattr(config, property) for property in properties if hasattr(config, property)} return cls(problem=problem, **parameters)
def __init__(self, problem=None, *args, **kwargs): self.problem = problem self._add_tolerances() @property def verbosity(self): """Verbosity level. 0: no output 1: error and warning messages only 2: normal output 3: full output """ raise NotImplementedError @verbosity.setter def verbosity(self, value): raise NotImplementedError @property def timeout(self): """Timeout parameter (seconds).""" raise NotImplementedError @timeout.setter def timeout(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def presolve(self): """ Turn pre-processing on or off. Set to 'auto' to only use presolve if no optimal solution can be found. """ raise NotImplementedError @presolve.setter def presolve(self): raise NotImplementedError def _add_tolerances(self): self.tolerances = SolverTolerances(self._tolerance_functions()) def _tolerance_functions(self): """ This should be implemented in child classes. Must return a dict, where keys are available tolerance parameters and values are tuples of (getter_function, setter_function). The getter functions must be callable with no arguments and the setter functions must be callable with the new value as the only argument """ return {} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__()
class MathematicalProgrammingConfiguration(Configuration): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MathematicalProgrammingConfiguration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def presolve(self): """If the presolver should be used (if available).""" raise NotImplementedError @presolve.setter def presolve(self, value): raise NotImplementedError class EvolutionaryOptimizationConfiguration(Configuration): """docstring for HeuristicOptimization""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EvolutionaryOptimizationConfiguration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Model(object): """ The model object represents an optimization problem and contains the variables, constraints an objective that make up the problem. Variables and constraints can be added and removed using the :code:`.add` and :code:`.remove` methods, while the objective can be changed by setting the objective attribute, e.g. :code:`model.objective = Objective(expr, direction="max")`. Once the problem has been formulated the optimization can be performed by calling the :code:`.optimize` method. This will return the status of the optimization, most commonly 'optimal', 'infeasible' or 'unbounded'. Attributes ---------- objective: str The objective function. name: str, optional The name of the optimization problem. variables: Container, read-only Contains the variables of the optimization problem. The keys are the variable names and values are the actual variables. constraints: Container, read-only Contains the variables of the optimization problem. The keys are the constraint names and values are the actual constraints. status: str, read-only The status of the optimization problem. Examples -------- >>> model = Model(name="my_model") >>> x1 = Variable("x1", lb=0, ub=20) >>> x2 = Variable("x2", lb=0, ub=10) >>> c1 = Constraint(2 * x1 - x2, lb=0, ub=0) # Equality constraint >>> model.add([x1, x2, c1]) >>> model.objective = Objective(x1 + x2, direction="max") >>> model.optimize() 'optimal' >>> x1.primal, x2.primal '(5.0, 10.0)' """
[docs] @classmethod def clone(cls, model, use_json=True, use_lp=False): """ Make a copy of a model. The model being copied can be of the same type or belong to a different solver interface. This is the preferred way of copying models. Example ---------- >>> new_model = Model.clone(old_model) """ model.update() interface = sys.modules[cls.__module__] if use_lp: warnings.warn("Cloning with LP formats can change variable and constraint ID's.") new_model = cls.from_lp(model.to_lp()) new_model.configuration = interface.Configuration.clone(model.configuration, problem=new_model) return new_model if use_json: new_model = cls.from_json(model.to_json()) new_model.configuration = interface.Configuration.clone(model.configuration, problem=new_model) return new_model new_model = cls() for variable in model.variables: new_variable = interface.Variable.clone(variable) new_model._add_variable(new_variable) for constraint in model.constraints: new_constraint = interface.Constraint.clone(constraint, model=new_model) new_model._add_constraint(new_constraint) if model.objective is not None: new_model.objective = interface.Objective.clone(model.objective, model=new_model) new_model.configuration = interface.Configuration.clone(model.configuration, problem=new_model) return new_model
def __init__(self, name=None, objective=None, variables=None, constraints=None, *args, **kwargs): super(Model, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if objective is None: objective = self.interface.Objective(0) self._objective = objective self._objective.problem = self self._variables = Container() self._constraints = Container() self._variables_to_constraints_mapping = dict() self._status = None class Modifications(): def __init__(self): self.add_var = [] self.add_constr = [] self.add_constr_sloppy = [] self.rm_var = [] self.rm_constr = [] self.var_lb = [] self.var_ub = [] self.toggle = 'add' def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) self._pending_modifications = Modifications() = name if variables is not None: self.add(variables) if constraints is not None: self.add(constraints) @property def interface(self): """Provides access to the solver interface the model belongs to Returns a Python module, for example optlang.glpk_interface """ return sys.modules[self.__module__] @property def objective(self): """The model's objective function.""" return self._objective @objective.setter def objective(self, value): self.update() for atom in sorted(value.expression.atoms(Variable), key=lambda v: if isinstance(atom, Variable) and (atom.problem is None or atom.problem != self): self._pending_modifications.add_var.append(atom) self.update() if self._objective is not None: self._objective.problem = None self._objective = value self._objective.problem = self @property def variables(self): """The model variables.""" self.update() return self._variables @property def constraints(self): """The model constraints.""" self.update() return self._constraints @property def status(self): """The solver status of the model.""" return self._status def _get_variables_names(self): """The names of model variables. Returns ------- list """ return [ for variable in self.variables] @property def primal_values(self): """The primal values of model variables. The primal values are rounded to the bounds. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict """ return collections.OrderedDict( zip(self._get_variables_names(), self._get_primal_values()) ) def _get_primal_values(self): """The primal values of model variables. Returns ------- list """ # Fallback, if nothing faster is available return [variable.primal for variable in self.variables] @property def reduced_costs(self): """The reduced costs/dual values of all variables. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict """ return collections.OrderedDict( zip(self._get_variables_names(), self._get_reduced_costs()) ) def _get_reduced_costs(self): """The reduced costs/dual values of all variables. Returns ------- list """ # Fallback, if nothing faster is available return [variable.dual for variable in self.variables] def _get_constraint_names(self): """The names of model constraints. Returns ------- list """ return [ for constraint in self.constraints] @property def constraint_values(self): """The primal values of all constraints. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict """ return collections.OrderedDict( zip(self._get_constraint_names(), self._get_constraint_values()) ) def _get_constraint_values(self): """The primal values of all constraints. Returns ------- list """ # Fallback, if nothing faster is available return [constraint.primal for constraint in self.constraints] @property def shadow_prices(self): """The shadow prices of model (dual values of all constraints). Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict """ return collections.OrderedDict( zip(self._get_constraint_names(), self._get_shadow_prices()) ) def _get_shadow_prices(self): """The shadow prices of model (dual values of all constraints). Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict """ # Fallback, if nothing faster is available return [constraint.dual for constraint in self.constraints] @property def is_integer(self): return any(var.type in ("integer", "binary") for var in self.variables) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover if hasattr(self, "to_lp"): return self.to_lp() self.update() return '\n'.join(( str(self.objective), "subject to", '\n'.join([str(constr) for constr in self.constraints]), 'Bounds', '\n'.join([str(var) for var in self.variables]) ))
[docs] def add(self, stuff, sloppy=False): """Add variables and constraints. Parameters ---------- stuff : iterable, Variable, Constraint Either an iterable containing variables and constraints or a single variable or constraint. sloppy : bool Check constraints for variables that are not part of the model yet. Returns ------- None """ if self._pending_modifications.toggle == 'remove': self.update() self._pending_modifications.toggle = 'add' if isinstance(stuff, collections.Iterable): for elem in stuff: self.add(elem, sloppy=sloppy) elif isinstance(stuff, Variable): if stuff.__module__ != self.__module__: raise TypeError("Cannot add Variable %s of interface type %s to model of type %s." % ( stuff, stuff.__module__, self.__module__)) self._pending_modifications.add_var.append(stuff) elif isinstance(stuff, Constraint): if stuff.__module__ != self.__module__: raise TypeError("Cannot add Constraint %s of interface type %s to model of type %s." % ( stuff, stuff.__module__, self.__module__)) if sloppy is True: self._pending_modifications.add_constr_sloppy.append(stuff) else: self._pending_modifications.add_constr.append(stuff) else: raise TypeError("Cannot add %s. It is neither a Variable, or Constraint." % stuff)
[docs] def remove(self, stuff): """Remove variables and constraints. Parameters ---------- stuff : iterable, str, Variable, Constraint Either an iterable containing variables and constraints to be removed from the model or a single variable or contstraint (or their names). Returns ------- None """ if self._pending_modifications.toggle == 'add': self.update() self._pending_modifications.toggle = 'remove' if isinstance(stuff, str): try: variable = self.variables[stuff] self._pending_modifications.rm_var.append(variable) except KeyError: try: constraint = self.constraints[stuff] self._pending_modifications.rm_constr.append(constraint) except KeyError: raise LookupError( "%s is neither a variable nor a constraint in the current solver instance." % stuff) elif isinstance(stuff, Variable): self._pending_modifications.rm_var.append(stuff) elif isinstance(stuff, Constraint): self._pending_modifications.rm_constr.append(stuff) elif isinstance(stuff, collections.Iterable): for elem in stuff: self.remove(elem) elif isinstance(stuff, Objective): raise TypeError( "Cannot remove objective %s. Use model.objective = Objective(...) to change the current objective." % stuff) else: raise TypeError( "Cannot remove %s. It neither a variable or constraint." % stuff)
[docs] def update(self, callback=int): """Process all pending model modifications.""" # print(self._pending_modifications) add_var = self._pending_modifications.add_var if len(add_var) > 0: self._add_variables(add_var) self._pending_modifications.add_var = [] callback() add_constr = self._pending_modifications.add_constr if len(add_constr) > 0: self._add_constraints(add_constr) self._pending_modifications.add_constr = [] add_constr_sloppy = self._pending_modifications.add_constr_sloppy if len(add_constr_sloppy) > 0: self._add_constraints(add_constr_sloppy, sloppy=True) self._pending_modifications.add_constr_sloppy = [] var_lb = self._pending_modifications.var_lb var_ub = self._pending_modifications.var_ub if len(var_lb) > 0 or len(var_ub) > 0: self._set_variable_bounds_on_problem(var_lb, var_ub) self._pending_modifications.var_lb = [] self._pending_modifications.var_ub = [] rm_var = self._pending_modifications.rm_var if len(rm_var) > 0: self._remove_variables(rm_var) self._pending_modifications.rm_var = [] callback() rm_constr = self._pending_modifications.rm_constr if len(rm_constr) > 0: self._remove_constraints(rm_constr) self._pending_modifications.rm_constr = []
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Solve the optimization problem using the relevant solver back-end. The status returned by this method tells whether an optimal solution was found, if the problem is infeasible etc. Consult optlang.statuses for more elaborate explanations of each status. The objective value can be accessed from 'model.objective.value', while the solution can be retrieved by 'model.primal_values'. Returns ------- status: str Solution status. """ self.update() status = self._optimize() if status != OPTIMAL and self.configuration.presolve == "auto": self.configuration.presolve = True status = self._optimize() self.configuration.presolve = "auto" self._status = status return status
def _optimize(self): raise NotImplementedError( "You're using the high level interface to optlang. Problems cannot be optimized in this mode. Choose from one of the solver specific interfaces.") def _set_variable_bounds_on_problem(self, var_lb, var_ub): """""" pass def _add_variable(self, variable): self._add_variables([variable]) def _add_variables(self, variables): for variable in variables: self._variables.append(variable) self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[] = set([]) variable.problem = self def _remove_variables(self, variables): for variable in variables: try: self._variables[] except KeyError: raise LookupError("Variable %s not in solver" % constraint_ids = set() for variable in variables: constraint_ids.update(self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[]) del self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[] variable.problem = None del self._variables[] replacements = dict([(variable, 0) for variable in variables]) for constraint_id in constraint_ids: constraint = self._constraints[constraint_id] constraint._expression = constraint._expression.xreplace(replacements) if self.objective is not None: self.objective._expression = self.objective._expression.xreplace(replacements) def _remove_variable(self, variable): self._remove_variables([variable]) def _add_constraint(self, constraint, sloppy=False): self._add_constraints([constraint], sloppy=sloppy) def _add_constraints(self, constraints, sloppy=False): for constraint in constraints: constraint_id = if sloppy is False: variables = constraint.variables if constraint.indicator_variable is not None: variables.add(constraint.indicator_variable) missing_vars = [var for var in variables if var.problem is not self] if len(missing_vars) > 0: self._add_variables(missing_vars) for var in variables: try: self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[].add(constraint_id) except KeyError: self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[] = set([constraint_id]) self._constraints.append(constraint) constraint._problem = self def _remove_constraints(self, constraints): keys = [ for constraint in constraints] if len(constraints) > 350: # Need to figure out a good threshold here self._constraints = self._constraints.fromkeys(set(self._constraints.keys()).difference(set(keys))) else: for constraint in constraints: try: del self._constraints[] except KeyError: raise LookupError("Constraint %s not in solver" % constraint) else: constraint.problem = None def _remove_constraint(self, constraint): self._remove_constraints([constraint])
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns a json-compatible object from the model that can be saved using the json module. Variables, constraints and objective contained in the model will be saved. Configurations will not be saved. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json", "w") as outfile: >>> json.dump(model.to_json(), outfile) """ json_obj = { "name":, "variables": [var.to_json() for var in self.variables], "constraints": [const.to_json() for const in self.constraints], "objective": self.objective.to_json() } return json_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj): """ Constructs a Model from the provided json-object. Example -------- >>> import json >>> with open("path_to_file.json") as infile: >>> model = Model.from_json(json.load(infile)) """ model = cls() model._init_from_json(json_obj) return model
def _init_from_json(self, json_obj): = json_obj["name"] interface = self.interface variables = [interface.Variable.from_json(var_json) for var_json in json_obj["variables"]] var_dict = { var for var in variables} constraints = [interface.Constraint.from_json(constraint_json, var_dict) for constraint_json in json_obj["constraints"]] objective = interface.Objective.from_json(json_obj["objective"], var_dict) self.add(variables) self.add(constraints) self.objective = objective self.update() def __getstate__(self): return self.to_json() def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__() self._init_from_json(state)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Example workflow x1 = Variable('x1', lb=0) x2 = Variable('x2', lb=0) x3 = Variable('x3', lb=0) c1 = Constraint(x1 + x2 + x3, ub=100) c2 = Constraint(10 * x1 + 4 * x2 + 5 * x3, ub=600) c3 = Constraint(2 * x1 + 2 * x2 + 6 * x3, ub=300) obj = Objective(10 * x1 + 6 * x2 + 4 * x3, direction='max') model = Model(name='Simple model') model.objective = obj model.add([c1, c2, c3]) try: sol = model.optimize() except NotImplementedError as e: print(e) print(model) print(model.variables) # model.remove(x1) model.interface = optlang.glpk_interface